Railfast Intermodal Limited [previously Railfast (UK) Limited] is a Private Limited Company, incorporated in 1998 and registered in England & Wales under Company Number 03568413, based in Coventry, UK. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3rd Planet Solutions Limited.

Our director, David Gibson, has over 30 years' experience delivering projects at the leading edge of technology within the IT, Engineering and Transport & Logistics sectors; Oxford Magnet Technology, GEC Plessey Telecommunications and OKI as an employee and the Environment Agency, the Charity Commission, GlaxoWellcome and Equant along with transport innovators FOCAL as a freelancer (to name but a few). He has an Electronic Engineering & Physics Degree from University of Technology, Loughborough and his spare time he is 'Poet in Residence' at Uniquepoems4u!